a peek @ italy- part 2

i think its mre of a city of
i arrive rome pretty early morning and due to the pretty fark up itinerary.... i had to battle crowds and traffic with other fellow kiasu tourist as we wind our way from Renaissance palaces and baroque buildings to the famous ruins of antiquity.
rome gave me pretty big loud impression for a start...
i was tired & grumpy but awe by the beautiful rome @ the same time.
300 pictures in a morning...that pretty much speaks volume abt the excitment.
take a peek inside,its actually bigger than i thought...
i particularly like the balcony...but no pic of it.ugh. here's me and desmond exploring the room.

i'm convinced that rome adores britney.
even the guards in vatican city dress like they pop out from the 'circus' video.
the day des got absolutely wasted that he almost miss his flight....
imagine this guy painting my room.
peiru,pierre and myself continues to tour around italy while des left for NYC..first stop-Florence!a city that lives fully in both its past and its present – a city where different time periods intermingle and overlap, creating a unique and very special place.
the darn D&G sneaks that i fell in love with .
the stuff that companied us during the long train rides.
firenze is one of my fav prolly becuase i think i'm a village boy at heart and i like it that the florentines lead a slower pace and less city kinda life.
i was actually quite hyped up abt Venice -one of Italy's top travel cities and a beautiful, romantic destination with many attractions.
its truly a romantic spot,it is those moments where u wish the person u love is standing right next to u holding ur hands....
my love life is bleah.ha
anw pierre and peiru prolly had a harder time in venice since they get motion sickness when they take ferry rides.
i was glad they are well equipped with various forms of medication hence no vomitting.phew!
the small, traffic-free streets along the winding canals is totally awesome for slow walks..especially with e fresh air.
i would highly recommend anyone travelling to venice to carry a GPS
that was how me and pierre made it to the clubs at ease with his iphone since the whole city is like a huge maze.
we walk around venice like we had lived there all our lives.(all thanks to iphone)
You'll find many lively squares, interesting shops and magnificent churchs and palaces which i was pretty sick of it by day 9 in italy.
every magnificent church or building looks pretty much like vatican city to me.
300 pictures in a morning...that pretty much speaks volume abt the excitment.

me and des had to each picked up a item from the shop for the other party to pose.
of cus we picked the most difficult stuff...for example a pink furry photo frame & stilettos.
while i got a broom and a queerish lookin mirror from des.

peiru,pierre and myself continues to tour around italy while des left for NYC..first stop-Florence!a city that lives fully in both its past and its present – a city where different time periods intermingle and overlap, creating a unique and very special place.
hence with both modern and traditional stores, u could gain a sense of the layering of centuries that characterizes this city of splendor.

contrary to what i've heard abt florentines...i think they are warmer and friendlier to strangers than the stereotypical italians.
but of cus this is only base on my individual preference...peiru definitey prefers somone e peeps from venezia anytime:P
she likes the food there.ahem*coughs*
its truly a romantic spot,it is those moments where u wish the person u love is standing right next to u holding ur hands....
my love life is bleah.ha
anw pierre and peiru prolly had a harder time in venice since they get motion sickness when they take ferry rides.
i was glad they are well equipped with various forms of medication hence no vomitting.phew!
the small, traffic-free streets along the winding canals is totally awesome for slow walks..especially with e fresh air.
i would highly recommend anyone travelling to venice to carry a GPS
that was how me and pierre made it to the clubs at ease with his iphone since the whole city is like a huge maze.
we walk around venice like we had lived there all our lives.(all thanks to iphone)
You'll find many lively squares, interesting shops and magnificent churchs and palaces which i was pretty sick of it by day 9 in italy.
every magnificent church or building looks pretty much like vatican city to me.
and after i've done all my duty to culture e first few days...i think the thought of visiting palaces and beautiful cultural buildings dont excite me as much as day 1.

gelato is like the must -have!

it happens only becuase the beer is good and cheap.

its def more cosmopolitan than anywhere in italy.
its a adrenaline rush when u walk past its dazzling shop windows and seeing all e beautiful italians deck in the hawtest outfit this season.
i travel light this trip and yeah....not that much clothes.
i wanted so much to buy more new set of outfits especially when u see everyone fashionably dressed to e nines.
but of cus i didnt.
i am not a shopaholic.
right !!

i paid 8 euros($16) for a small waffle from a roadside stall.
and coke cost like at least 4- 10 bucks depending on where u are.bummer!
i miss eating ramen and coke light that cost $1.50.
yes i miss singapore despite the fact that i only left two weeks.
i'll def wanna visit italy again and cover more cities the next time....but for now..nothing beats a good rest.