Monday, July 12, 2010

The Burning Weekends

So Pierre & myself were at MBS over the weekends.

Its a spanking new hotel and we were curious about it.

They gave us a club room for the review.

For a full review of the hotel,check Pierre's blog -

Here's alil preview from my camera.
Pierre's Lanvin sneaks that should be featured in my "sneakers fetish"

man,this guy has got the coolest sneaks.

And if u havent notice..he is in Lanvin from head to toe.

This guy should start his fashion blog real soon.
If u notice the different quality of the pictures...

some were from my camera,and some from the official photographer N.
Here's a pic of our photographer N....he's a very camera shy

and below is the crazy amount of pictures he took for us at the amazing pool.

There are heaps of pictures taken @ the heavenly pool,but its in collage for easy viewing.

so here it goes...

Weekends was awesome.

I'm prob a lil cooked and burnt from the scorching sun but i had fun anw.

Every weekends should be like this.

Toodles kiddies.


Tyojem said...

In a word: Goodness!

These pics warm my heart and harden my -- I mean solidify my devotion to your blog.

Thanks for sharing.


Han said...

wow, lucky you guys ...get a complimentary stay at MBS in exchange for a blog post. good to be a celebrity blogger yeah? haha come you dun get discolouration after the spray? hmmm....looks like you have perfect skin....i am suffering like a leopard now ....sigh....hope i will be back to normal soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi, where did u get your white pair of sneakers(brand)?

russ said...

jem>heh glad u like em:)

han>oh'll be fine.somehow the spray works pretty well on me.

anonymous>raf simons