Sunday, November 1, 2009


first up is actually style week:09

and PUMA is obviously involved!

so here's moi deck in my fav puma:)

duncan was my special guest for the party and i was glad he took some time off since he had his and ptmd + xsquad party goin on e same day.
the show was pretty alright and here's chris doin his walk.haha.
lookin fierce much.
next up is of cus ark's Xsquad+popthemusicdrug(jeremy) party.

walux has pretty awesome stuff so do check it out:)


Anonymous said...

wow chris is cute!

Anonymous said...

u cuter!

russ said...

anonymous>yeah that explains why his face is all over magazines?

anonymous>nah...he is the full-time model..NOT me.ha

duncan said...

tks dx miu for the invite :) i had great time ther :)